Iyengar Yoga for Inflexible Beginners

Iyengar Yoga Teacher Juan Carlos doing Forward Bend on chair

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Short, Sweet, and Accessible

If you are a beginner and you feel like your body is very stiff, it’s hard to know where to start. 

In this practice, JC goes through a group of poses step by step. This will help you understand the actions required while using support, such as a wall and a chair. 

Here we break down ways to access areas in your body that are often tight due to a previous injury, or lack of mobility. This short class super accessible when you don’t have much time. It’s slow and easy, so enjoy!

Asanas in this sequence:

Uttanasana on Chair ( Forward Bend Pose on Chair )

Ardha Paschimottanasana on Chair ( Seated Forward Bend on Chair )

Uttanasana in the Wall ( Standing Forward Bend in the Wall ) 

Ardha Uttanasana with Strap ( Half Standing Forward Bend with Strap ) 

Ardha Uttanasana Facing the Wall ( Half Standing Forward Bend Facing the Wall )

Savasana ( Corpse Pose )

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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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