Full body Iyengar Sequence to boost your energy

Iyengar teacher in down dog asana

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

In this Iyengar sequence, we will be touching on different asanas that help build strength and stability with standing poses.
We will create mobility in our middle back and spine with some twisting, and develop new flexibility as we move towards mini back bending.

This Iyengar class is inclusive to all levels.
When you need a boost, this sequence will unlock new energy and activate blood flow throughout your entire body.


Asanas in this class

Urdhva Hastasana in Tadasana
Parsva Hasta Padasana
Utthita Trikonasana
Virabhadrasana II
Utthita Parsvakonasana 

Virabhadrasana I
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Virasana 

Viparita Karani

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Happy Practicing!

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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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