Chest Opening-Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga Teacher Juan Carlos doing chest openers

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

This segment is especially suitable for beginners who are stiff or recovering from injuries

The upper body houses the heart, lungs, diaphragm, and kidneys. When this area is tight it affects our breathing, our sleep, and overall health. The chest sinks and the organic body becomes compressed. 

If the arms and the shoulders are not opening properly to allow for space in the chest, it can lead to challenges down the road. When we are bending forward, it is important to know the correct actions in the pelvis and at the same time how to access the hamstrings for the optimum lengthening of the trunk.

In this session, Juan Carlos shows us some simple actions to practice and to keep in our toolbox. They will help bring length and life into these stuck and stagnant areas that may cause us pain and discomfort later.

This sequence includes:

Shoulder Opening 

Shoulder opening on second height block with hand behind the head

Shoulder opening on second height block with arms extension

Shoulder opening with yoga mat

Shoulder opening with cross bolster

Shoulder opening with chair

Marjaryasana ( cat cow pose on Chair ) 

Kapotasana ( Pigeon Pose )

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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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