Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook demonstrate a Yoga pose on the Chair

Mobility with the Chair—Iyengar Yoga

Stability and Balance

In this class, we utilize the stability and balance provided by using a chair to explore different posture categories.

There are times when we all need additional support, regardless of whether we are aging, recovering from an injury, or facing mobility challenges.

Both a chair and a wall can serve as excellent aids in establishing the stability required to enhance flexibility and strength, enabling us to hold postures for longer periods. The longer we can sustain these postures, the deeper we can delve into our practice. By building resilience and extending endurance, we embark on an inward journey, nurturing inner strength and balance.

See you on the chair!

This sequence includes:

Seated in the chair: Arm variations

w/ strap Urdhva Hastasana , Out to side, Baddha Gullasana, w/ thumbs

Dandasana w/ Urdhva Hastasana arms

Ardha Uttanasana / Hipa at wall

Seated wide stride

Virabhadrasana 11

Virabhadrasana 1

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Parvritta Parsvakonasana

Wide leg, prep for Upa Vista Konasana

Ardha Adha Mukha Svanasana

Ardha Uttanasana

Parsva Sukhasana

Bharadvajasana 1

Janu Sirsasana


Savasana Legs on chair