Pelvic and Legs Connection–Iyengar Yoga

Pelvic & Leg Connections

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Stability is essential when connecting the legs and pelvis for ease and flow.

In this class, we will be using either a long strap or two straps buckled together, one Chambal, or one compression or ace bandage. Alternatively, you can use one densely rolled washcloth or a small towel.

As you can see, the strap is placed on the sacral band and the heels. This area is of utmost importance when folding forward, as it helps to protect our lower back while remaining mindful of the source of movement.

By connecting the heels to the hip, I am emphasizing the link between the legs, pelvis, and back. It is important to use the necessary props to keep your back elongated while practicing and to learn the correct actions for your body. Have your blocks ready! Individual practice is crucial to understanding how you can modify your movements to maintain a balanced action.

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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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