Uttanasana Variations

Forward Bend to Extend Spinal Muscles

Uttanasana is a forward bend. Here we are giving a forward extension to the spinal muscles.  To avoid compression of the spine, it is important to concave the back to extend the spinal muscles and nerves.  This concavity assists in extending the spine and correcting the direction of the spinal muscles.

Just bending the back without concavity is dangerous.  First, one must lengthen the spine and create space between the vertebral joints. This way injury can be avoided since there is no compression.

Forward bending in general helps to relieve fatigue.  Uttanasana is a  kind of resting position for the heart.  The heart is in an inverted position where pressure on the ventricles is reduced.

The tension in the heart is reduced and one recovers from physical and mental fatigue.

The nervous system is toned and blood circulation is improved.  The brain can cool off, which can help with conditions like high blood pressure, palpitations, depression, and mood swings.

In the asanas presented here, we will use props in various positions to support the abdomen, head, and arms.