Seated Posture—Padmasana

Padmasana is one of a few seated poses recommended for meditation

Thanks to the balance, one is able to relax the mind and the brain becomes quiet.

This posture has many benefits when done properly with the proper support for your body condition.

The hips are stretched and released along with the knees and angles. Thus stimulating the spine, pelvis, and abdomen. Women having their monthly flow will ease tension and bring softness to the abdomen and pelvis.

All this may happen if you practice with respect for your body. If your knees or hips are tight you may need to do the preliminary stages for some time. Pain in the knees is a sign that will tell you it’s too much too soon.

Make sure to sit on enough height to get the proper lift for your hips to lift the spine. Depending on the height you take, you may need to place a support under one or both knees.

Take your time, don’t push, and find the quiet balance of body mind and breath.

Happy practicing!

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