Iyengar Yoga Teacher Rany Fetrix demonstrate a Yoga pose

Restorative Extension-Deep Relaxation with Props

In this gentle restorative class, all postures are supported except for the initial one – resting uttanasana. You can also support this posture by leaning your hips against the wall. Another option is to rest your arms on blocks.

The use of props provides relief and support, helping to facilitate a deeper release for both the body and mind. These supported postures can be held for an extended duration, allowing the nervous system to gradually calm down. As a result, the mind experiences a sense of freedom, and the breath becomes soft, slow, and smooth.

Enjoy the experience…

This sequence includes:

squat to Uttanasana



Janu Sirsasana

Forward Sukkhasana


Forward Virasana w/support

Ardha Halasana w/Chair

Salamba Sarvangasana w/ Chair

Supta Padmasana w/ bolster support or

Supta Ardha Padmasana

Prone Savasana