Iyengar Yoga—Slow Stretch

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Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Hold poses longer to develop sensitivity and intelligence while quieting the mind.

This class is an excellent relaxing session, in which we will hold poses longer to develop sensitivity and intelligence while quieting the mind.

You will feel both sides of the body, which side is active and which side is dull; where you are more flexible and where you’re stiffer; where muscles are shortened and where they are elongated, and make comparisons.

The forward extensions tone the liver, spleen, and kidneys. These poses are helpful if you experience flatulence, acidity, or digestive challenges. Pascimottasana when done after the one-sided poses helps to bring the symmetrical extension to both sides of the spinal muscles. The elongation of the abdomen results from the concave back action, in order to create evenness in the extension of the spine. The brain and the heart are brought to a restful state. Releasing from mental agitation and calming the brain thus soothing the nerves.

Enjoy your practice and the benefits that keep on giving.

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Can’t wait to see you in class!