We are really just a bag of bones! 206 to be exact!
Most of these bones connect or support our spinal column. The spine consists of strong bones, unique joints, flexible ligaments, tendons, large muscles, and of course our nerves. The spine supports our body weight, allowing us to move while protecting our spinal cord and nerves. The spine made up of generally 26 bones (more or less, due to fusing as you grow), divides our trunk down the center.
We have the left side of the body and right side, we were designed mostly symmetrically. From birth this is true for most of us but as life happens we develop asymmetries or imbalances which affect the way we walk, sit, stand, sleep, and breathe.
How can we recognize what our specific conditions are and how do we bring ourselves back to a balanced state? Of course, there is pain which is the messenger as we oftentimes don’t listen to the usual signs as they present themselves. Can we develop keener insights into our own body to address what is needed in our yoga practice to keep pain from being our first indication there is something wrong?
In our class today we practice in such a way that will help you bring more sensitivity and awareness, traveling the path of self-discovery, while you learn where you can modify, adjust, lengthen, create space, release more and build strength. Enjoy your practice and the new perspective that will come.
This sequence includes:
Adho Mukha Virasana ( Forward Hero Pose )
Bitilasana Marjayasana ( Cat Cow Pose )
Adho Mukha Sukhasana ( Forward Easy Pose )
Forward Gomukhasana ( Forward Cow Face Pose )
Bharadvajasana ( Torso Twist Pose )
Halasana ( Plow Pose )
Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Dog )
Uttanasana ( Forward Bend )
Parsva Trikonasana ( Twisted Triangle Pose )
Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose )
Baddha Konasana ( Bound Angle Pose )
Supta Padangusthasana ( Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose )
Paschimottanasana ( Seated Forward Bend )
Savasana ( Corpse Pose )