Iyengar Yoga for Strong Hips-Intermediate Iyengar Yoga

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook demonstrate a Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend pose

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Flexible and Strong Hips

Our hips hold lots of tension, tightness, and sometimes even pain. Keeping the flexibility in the joints we make space in the areas vital for the health of the low back, pelvis, and organic body.

Enjoy all the health benefits that come during and as a result of this subtle practice. The breath will naturally become quieter, and more lengthened. This longer deeper breath moves to the lower pelvis which affects the organic body. This results in the mind being able to let go of tension and stress. Good for our overall heart health and well-being.

This sequence includes:

Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Dog )

Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana ( One Legged Downward Dog )

Uttanasana ( Forward Bend )

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana ( Upward Extended Feet Pose )

Ardha Baddha Padma Padmottanasana ( Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend )

Supta Sukhasana ( Reclining Easy Pose )

Paschimottanasana ( Seated Forward Bend )

Viparita Karani ( Still Lake Pose )

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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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