Hip Strength and Mobility in Seated Poses

Hip Strenght and Mobility in Seated Poses

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

In this session, we embark on a journey of gentle hip-opening postures, setting the stage for deeper inner work.

As we gracefully ease into the practice, let’s feel the subtle quietness that descends upon us as the breath flows gracefully through the lower pelvis, allowing it to effortlessly drop and elongate.

Like a mesmerizing dance, our bodies find their rhythm, and we become attuned to the symphony of sensations within. In this harmonious flow, let’s embrace the joy of being present in the moment, embracing the sensations with a peaceful mind.

As we delve deeper into our practice, let’s remember to honor our bodies, ensuring there’s no discomfort in the knees, and resisting the urge to push beyond our limits. Instead, we shall approach each posture with curiosity, knowing that true progress lies in listening to our bodies and respecting their unique needs.




Ardha Padmasana




Supta Swastikasana

Baddha Konasana


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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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