Handstand Preparations–Iyengar Yoga

Handstand Preparations in iyengar Yoga

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Let’s start with a few warm-up movements to prepare the wrists and engage the muscles in your hands. It’s crucial to pay attention to your fingers and palm as they play a significant role in adjusting your balance during handstands.

Lifting your forearms and connecting them with your shoulders is essential for generating the upward force necessary to build strength in your handstands. This movement helps you understand the anatomical alignment and weight distribution required for maintaining stability while performing exercises such as planks and walking up the wall.

Mastering the art of handstands involves not only building strength but also developing a keen awareness of your body’s positioning and weight distribution. By incorporating warm-up movements for the wrists and practicing the connection between your forearms and shoulders, you can enhance your stability and control during handstands.

These foundational exercises also translate into other related movements, like planks and wall walks, enabling you to better understand the anatomical mechanics and distribute weight effectively. With consistent practice and attention to form, you’ll be well on your way to developing the skills, strength, and balance required.

Be brave! Namaste 🙏🏻

List of poses in this session:

Wrist rotation


Wrist rotation

Down dog / Adho Mukha Svansana

Adho Mukha Svansana / Eka Pada

Forward Virasana

Adha Mukha Vrksasana / Walk feet up wall

Ardha Vrksasana

Practice springing up/ Hit wall

Adha Muka Vrksasana w/o strap

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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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