Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook demonstrate a Yoga pose

Balancing in Standing and Supine Poses

Physical and Mental Focus

In this group of postures, we focus on standing and supine balancing poses. Balancing always requires us to concentrate our attention both physically and mentally. Practicing balancing postures in the morning is a revealing way to gauge your mental state.

We bring clarity and stability to our actions and lives by addressing what is needed in the moment.

Balancing also exposes our weaker side or the areas we tend to favor. Understanding this allows us to better prepare to strengthen those weaker areas.

Enjoy your discovery and experience as you move both outward and inward.


This sequence includes:

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Supine Gomukhasana



Parsva Uttanasana

Ardha Chandrasana


Parvritta Ardha Chandrasana


Utthita Hasta Padangustasana 3 versions


Setubandha Sarvangasana

Eka Pada

Viparita Karani

Setubandha Sarvangasana
