Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook demonstrate a Upward Dog Pose

Iyengar Yoga for Tense Neck and Shoulders

what to do with tense shoulders?

I don’t need to tell you the benefits of relieving tension in the neck and shoulders!

The pain grabs your attention and is impossible to ignore, but what to do about it is another story…

Then of course you can also have tight shoulders. There are numerous muscles in the shoulder girdle that connect with the neck, as well as the trunk, which are all interrelated, affect one another.

What to Do?

First, begin to observe your daily activities and lifestyle. This will tell you the habits you are unaware of that may be creating the problem.

Modify what is required and make sure you continue to be aware of these habits that contribute to your overall discomfort.

Posture – For example, if you’re sitting all day – notice your posture and position of your head, shoulders, and back.

Phone / Screen Usage – Looking at your phone and the positions one takes to text, whether you use the same arm or not. These activities all affect the arms, wrists which are felt in the shoulders and neck,

Knowing what to do on a regular basis is the best preventative medicine to keep muscles lengthened, toned, as well as creating space between the vertebrae.

If sitting for long times is unavoidable these few tips are a must:

  • Get up every 20 minutes (set an alarm) walk around and stretch
  • While seated do seated twists
  • Adjust your computer screen so the eyes are level with the screen
  • Have both feet on the floor to stabilize the pelvis enabling you to lengthen the spinal muscles which reach up to the neck.

This sequence includes:

Shoulder Stretch with a Wall

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ( Upward Dog Pose )

Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Dog Pose )

Uttanasana ( Forward Bend )

Tadasana ( Mountain Pose )

Parvatasana ( Mountain Pose )

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and Ardha Uttanasana flow (  Upward Dog Pose and Forward Bend Pose )

Chest Opening Pose

Viparita Dandasana ( Inverted Staff Pose )

Bharadvajasana ( Torso Twist Pose )

Ardha Uttanasana ( Half Forward Bend )

Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana ( Bridge Pose )

Viparita Karani ( Leg to the Wall Pose )