Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook demonstrate a Corpse pose

Iyengar Yoga for Better Sleep

How can I practice to enhance my sleep?

This class will help you focus on relaxing the nervous system and allow you to tune into the breath. There is a lot of evidence that shows the number 1 thing that we can do to improve our health-span and prevent chronic disease is to make sure to get good quality and ample sleep. This class will help.

When we relax the nervous system our body and brains both respond. When we focus on our breathing, the breath slows down, and so do we, we slow down both at a physical level as well as mentally. The physical and physiological bodies are interlinked with our minds and our brains. Once we are able to direct these responses, we reset our systems from a fight or flight condition run by the sympathetic nervous system to our parasympathetic system which is a relaxation response.

Taking time to practice asanas that are restorative helps us recalibrate our systems, not only for better sleep but to maintain our health.

Other good habits that will affect your sleep are:

  1. Going to sleep early: Sleeping between the hours of 10 pm -2 am is the best time for the brain and the body to get that deep sleep needed to give the brain a rest and send important messages to the body to reset, refresh and restore. We sleep in cycles, meaning we have deep and not-so-deep cycles. Both are important to maintain the health of our many vital systems, especially the respiratory and immune systems.
  2. Finish eating your last meal: 3 hours before bedtime
  3. Avoid: devices an hour or more before bedtime
  4. Eliminate the lighting in your room so as not to disturb you or keep you awake if you do wake up.
  5. Keep the room temperature adjusted on the cooler side. (Your body heats up at night which may awaken you if you are too warm).
  6. Remember your restorative poses and quiet breathing to help you reset before bedtime bringing you to your breath and that re-connection within.

Recommended Reading: “Why we Sleep” by Matthew Walker

This sequence includes:

Ardha Uttanasana ( Half Forward Bend Pose )

Padangusthasana ( Hand to Big Toe Pose )

Uttanasana with Blocks ( Forward Bend Pose )

Uttanasana with Chair ( Forward Bend Pose )

Prasarita Padottanasana ( Wide Stance Forward bend )

Forward Sukhasana ( Forward Easy Pose )

Supported Sarvangasana ( Supported Shoulder Stand )

Supta Baddha Konasana ( Reclining Bound Angle )

Pranayama in Savasana ( Breath Works in Corpse Pose )