Prassarita Padottanasana to Relax and Energize

Prassarita Padottasana is a “delicious” pose.

All forward-bendings done properly are a beautiful way to remove physical and mental fatigue. To do this properly we must concave the back to get the full extension of the anterior spine. Just bending the back without that concavity is dangerous.

I say it’s delicious as it is a kind of resting pose for the heart and the brain.

The heart is usually below the brain. while we stand upright increasing pressure on the ventricles where they become enlarged. Here the heart is given a resting place, a sort of raised platform for the heart. The inverted position reduces this exertion on the ventricles.

The tone of the nervous system and circulation toward the brain results in a cooling effect for the brain. If you have challenges with high blood pressure, palpitations. depression, mood swings, OR just need a resting place, forward bending asanas can bring great comfort.