30 Mins Seated Poses

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook demonstrate a Yoga pose

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Intermediate Iyengar Yoga Sequence

In this practice session, we will focus on staying grounded.

We will establish a stable and firm foundation through various seated postures—moving forward, laterally, twisting, and extending backward. This allows us to create space, generate heat, and cultivate a sense of quiet. The different leg positions in these postures help to open and release areas that often become tight and restricted from prolonged sitting.

Additionally, incorporating pranayama (breath control) will enhance our practice by calming the mind, increasing focus, and further promoting a deep sense of relaxation and balance.

This sequence includes:

Upa Vista Konasana

Parsva Upa Vista Konasana

Urdhva Hastasana

Parsva upa Vista -again hold foot

Dandasana – Urdhva Hastasana

Parsva Dandasana


Parsva Dandasana



Pararankayasana on elbows; w/ Block Janu Sirsasana


Janu sirsasana

Upa Vista Konasana

Parvritta Janu Sirsasana

Upa Vista Konasana

Parvritta upa Vista Konasana

Upa Vista Konasana Baddha Gullyiasana

Baddha Konasana

Adho Mukha Baddha Konasana

Ardha Padma Pascimottasana


Ardha Padma Pascimottasana

Padmasana – Parsva

Ubaya Padangustasana


Pascimottasana head supported/ elbow support




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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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