Abdominal Massage- Marichyasana
Asana Quick Fix In Hindu philosophy Marichyasana, named after the sage Marichi, son of the
Asana Quick Fix In Hindu philosophy Marichyasana, named after the sage Marichi, son of the
Forward bends were the most difficult for my body to learn. Over time with practice,
Going upside down can be scary. When we build strength in our body we build
Saying YES! to challenges! Baby backbends include preparations for understanding the correct actions and directions
Utthita Parsvakonasana-Extended Side Angle Pose This simple standing pose is basic but important to learn.
In this Iyengar Yoga class, we are taking a deeper dive into Utthita Trikonasana variations: with straps, a chair, and the wall.
Jalan Pantai Balangan, Ungasan, South Kuda, Bali
WhatsApp+62 821 4770 4898| hello@desayogi.com