Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook demonstrate a Warrior Pose

Iyengar Yoga for Knee Pain

Knee pain can be a one-off or a chronic condition.

There are many habits that we may have developed over time, such as walking incorrectly, exercising with unsupportive shoes, standing in an unbalanced way. In the end, all these result in weakness and imbalance of the knee muscles and ligaments.

Knee injuries are challenging as we humans are bipeds (mammals who use 2 legs for walking), using biped movements such as walking, running, and hoping, which we do constantly! The continual weight on the knee and the constant bending when injured can delay the healing process.

In this class, we will look at ways to build strength in the knee joint and the muscles and ligaments surrounding this delicate and important hinge. Through proper understanding of alignment and ways to practice with support, you will be able to continue to bring movement to the area in order to bring circulation, the release of stagnation, space, blood, and healing to the knee.

This sequence includes:

Sukhasana ( Easy Pose )

Dandasana ( Staff Pose )

Tadasana ( Mountain Pose )

Upavistha Konasana ( Wide Legged Seated Forward Bend )

Baddha Konasana ( Bound Angle Pose )

Utthita Trikonasana ( Triangle Pose ) and Virabhadrasana II ( Warrior Pose )

Virasana ( Hero Pose )

Paschimottanasana ( Seated Forward Bend )

Janu Sirsasana ( Head to Knee Pose )

Savasana ( Corpse Pose )